go pack go!
my brother in law omkar (also known as maya and neela's dad) is a huge fan of the Green Bay packers. So much so that I decided to make some "go pack go" bunting for their house:

at first I thought I might not be able to come up with enough packer colored fabric, but my stash came through.

I even managed to squeek a triangle out of this print from the power clashing dress I made maya (now owned by neela):

the bias tape is fabric left over from the first class picnic tunic I made for maya back in 2013. when it comes down to it this is why I make bunting, it's a fun way to use fabric from old projects that have happy memories associated with them.

It also requires less and less cutting everytime I make some. between the holiday decoration for Abby's house, the signs I've made for Nora, Etta, and Maya (note to self make neela one soon), the one for maya and neela's tree house, and now this I've amassed a pretty substantial collection of letters (just missing: b f j q u v w x z).
aunt maggie