another owl pillow

a few weeks ago i made my co-worker an owl backpack for her son. upon seeing it another co-worker asked if I could make something for her friend's daughter. so i took another stab at an owl pillow (my first one is here).

mostly inspired by the owl backpack i started by drafting out the body then i added the eyes, nose, and belly. 


i thought about doing "flappy" wings on the side but they just looked off, so i made them tucked in, which is how i would envision a sitting owl to be. for extra softness i filled them with a layer of bunting and lined them with the same belly feather fabric.


for more functionality i added a welt pocket in the back, using the technique i learned in the art museum vest and trousers pattern from, you guessed it, oliver + s.


a well sewn welt pocket is so satisfying!


i lined the pocket with the same belly fabric. 


this was such a fun sew, I kept my pattern pieces so i can make it again!



aunt maggie