make new friends, but keep the old

my in-laws are currently cleaning out victor’s late grandparent’s home, which means there are a lot of lovely things they are trying to find homes for.

over the holidays they encouraged victor and myself to take anything we could find a use for. when I saw a giant bag of embroidery thread in victor’s grandmother’s cross stitching supplies, I knew it would be perfect for my nieces to make friendship bracelets.

love aunt maggie friendship bracelet

over the last few months i’ve Carefully picked through the thread and when I found three packages that were the same color I wound them up and set them aside. 142 packages of thread later I made a trip to michaels and bought some plastic boxes and assembled three little friendship bracelet making kits for Nora, Etta, and maya.

love aunt maggie friendship bracelet
love aunt maggie friendship

But what about neela?!

rest assured my youngest niece was not left out of the fun. I got her the same box but filled it with two packs of pony beads and some stretchy thread.


i brought the kits with me on our recent vacation to coeur d'alene, idaho and gave them to the girls. they spent hours sitting on the dock and deck making bracelets.

love aunt maggie friendship

okay there was some drama when my mom lost the anklet neela made her while kneeboarding, which lead to a very tearful discussion about the presence of mermaids in freshwater lakes who might find the anklet and love the beads. but other than that the kits where a hit.


mostly it warms my heart that we were able to find a positive way to pass along the supplies from a beloved hobby. i really think Virginia would love that her things were being enjoyed and appreciated by the next generation.


aunt maggie