hi, i'm maggie.

(like the rod stewart song)

i'm an elder millennial living in the bay area who loves dark beer, the environment, and sewing for the tiny humans in my life.


bottle cutting with kinkajo bottle cutter

bottle cutting with kinkajo bottle cutter

victor knows me so well.

for christmas he gave me the kinkajo bottle cutter and it is so much fun! 


  • kinkajo bottle cutter
  • empty beer bottles
  • pot
  • bowl
  • ice cubes
  • potholder
  • ladel 
  • sand paper



1. drink the beer :)

2. rinse the bottle well

3. put the kinkajo around the bottle and tighten slowly.


4. twist the bottle in the kinkajo, scoring the glass.


4. bring the pot of water to a boil.

5. put the ice in the bowl and fill with cool water.

6. wrap the silicon bands around either side of the score line. 


7. while holding the bottle with the pot holder ladle the boiling water on to the score line, twisting the bottle so you get it all around the bottle. 

8. once you have gotten all the way around with boiling water, dunk it in the ice bath.

9. repeat until the bottle cracks.

10. we the sandpaper and sand down the rim of the bottle.


all done!



aunt maggie


california beer map

california beer map

lavender simple syrup

lavender simple syrup