#lovewins swingset skirt
the supreme court gives the best birthday gifts.
this year when i woke up on june 26th i found they had ruled that marriage was a right for all americans. that night i opened my present from victor's mom: a package of beautiful fabrics, including this rainbow print. how fitting!
given the significance of the day i was excited to make something for my nieces with it, but what? frozen with indecision the fabric just sat in my stash for months. then this fall maya specifically requested a rainbow skirt and i knew it was meant to be.
i knew from experience the oliver + s swingset skirt, with it's twirly nature, would be a hit. so i whipped one up in her size.
the nice thing about sewing with rainbow fabric is that any color thread works. so i decided to use a variety of colors, surprising since i normally hate thread changes!
for the lining i used some lightweight red cotton (left over from this project) and of course a different colored thread on the hem stitching.
what's better than one swingset skirt? two obviously! so i made another for miss neela. this time the with a green casing made from lawn left over from the lining of nora and etta's beatles dresses.
enjoy your skirts girls, so happy for the world you get to grow up in!
aunt maggie