in the spirt of not letting perfect be the enemy of good, here is a quick post.
(like the rod stewart song)
i'm an elder millennial living in the bay area who loves dark beer, the environment, and sewing for the tiny humans in my life.
All tagged swingset
in the spirt of not letting perfect be the enemy of good, here is a quick post.
for halloween this year i decided the kids would go as characters from jude’s current favorite book: strega nona.
quick post about a swingset skirt I whipped up a little while back for a co-workers daughter.
my brother-in-law scott, also known as nora and etta's dad, is a big time hunter and fisher. so when I saw the cotton + steel mustang line, with it's animal and arrow prints, I knew it would be perfect for his daughters.
when aunt maggie comes to Portland for the weekend a few things change:
the supreme court gives the best birthday gifts.
this year when i woke up on june 26th i found they had ruled that marriage was a right for all americans. that night i opened my present from victor's mom: a package of beautiful fabrics, including this rainbow print. how fitting!
as part of my stash busting initiative and quest to sew all the oliver + s patterns i recently made this swingset skirt for the toddler of a friend.