All in little girl apparel

matching vs. coordinating

this is one of two photos i know of where my sisters and i are in matching outfits. okay, there may be a few more if you include pjs, but roll with me here, the point is that by having your children over the course of a decade isn't conducive to dressing them alike. 

despite this upbringing this i've made the my nieces tons of matching and coordinating outfits over the past four years. today i'll share a few of my favorites.

swingset for hopscotch

when aunt maggie comes to Portland for the weekend a few things change:

  • donuts and chocolate milk is a completely acceptable breakfast.
  • staying up a little later on the weekend to watch an old school episode of scooby doo is fine.
  • teaching your little sister the Star Wars theme counts as both of you practicing the piano.

#lovewins swingset skirt

the supreme court gives the best birthday gifts. 

this year when i woke up on june 26th i found they had ruled that marriage was a right for all americans. that night i opened my present from victor's mom: a package of beautiful fabrics, including this rainbow print. how fitting!

bee mine

if i had one regret about my 2015 sewing it's that I didn't make enough for my older nieces nora and etta. at 5 and 7 they are a tad pickier than 3 year old maya and baby neela.)so I promised myself the first project of 2016 would be for them.

when oliver + s announced their pattern mash up challenge I knew I had to try it. so over the next few weeks of commuting i developed a vision came together that combined four different oliver + s patterns.

non pj pjs

a while back i was watching maya and as bedtime was approaching i said it was time to put on her pjs. the kid lost it. turns out she had never heard anyone refer to pajamas as pjs before and thought it was the funniest thing ever.

today i am going to share a three non pajama patterns that actually make great pjs.

sunday brunch skirt for my biggest fans

these skirts satisfy two of my sewing resolutions: busting my stash and sewing more patterns.

i was doing what i always do when planning a project: sitting cross legged on the floor, patterns on my right, stash on my left, a mason of a triple rock porter in front of me pulling together various combinations and seeing what might work. when i came across this pairing of a lightweight cobalt eyelet and the sunday brunch pattern from oliver + s  i paused: