rhymes with power twirl mess
some girls have their weddings envisioned long before they are engaged, and the planning process is really just an exercise in execution. i am not one of those girls.
however there was one thing i had ideas on prior to victor proposing: the flower girl dresses.
years ago i had seen a pin that encapsulated everything i wanted: simple, cotton eyelet, casual, and age appropriate. over the past year of wedding planning there have been changes and adjustments but this vision has always stayed the same.
i knew only one person could be trusted to bring this vision to life properly: myself. but held off jumping into this project because kids grow and figured it would be best to sew the dresses closer to the wedding.
last month abby flew me up to portland to watch nora and etta while her and scott had overlapping business trips, and i used the opportunity to go to the fabric depot with the girls and buy fabric.
once we found the eyelet section i immediately fell in love with a honeycomb pattern. however nora's reservations and the limited quantity (3 yards) meant i couldn't use it for all the girls. i stood there pondering this conundrum while nora swooned over some white duponi silk and etta touched every lace in the bridal section.
suddenly i had a brilliant idea: i could use this as an opportunity to showcase my sewing skills and do coordinating dresses rather than identical ones. they could all be white cotton eyelet with an accent color but each one could be a different pattern and use slightly different fabrics. people do this all the time with bridesmaids, why not with flower girls?
with this idea we started looking at the other fabrics and all agreed on another eyelet print that would coordinate well. we bought several yards of it along with the rest of the honeycomb and white lawn for the lining.
so what styles will i do? well it should be obvious from my love of oliver + s patterns their styles will play a pretty big role and i've got a few ideas, but i'm sure some more will come to me as i get sewing (and drinking).

with victor away at a bachelor party this weekend it feels like the perfect time to dive in!
aunt maggie